Sunday, April 3, 2011

Are You Serious #3

Now this is a really common one, so shout out to anyone that has ever had this happen to them.
Some Random Person: Oh, so you’re Indian. Do you speak Indian?
Me: (Looking at them like they’re crazy)
I still find it amazing the number of people that ask me if I speak Indian when they first meet me, as though it’s actually a language. The bitter sarcastic part of me just wants to say ‘No, but when I find someone that does I’ll be sure to let you know, so that you can have some company in stupidville,’ but I typically leave it at ‘no.’ There is no offense intended because it is an understandable mistake, considering that people in France speak French and people in Japan speak Japanese one could easily assume that people in India speak Indian. The hostility is more from the amount of people that ask that question, and it’s a lot.

1 comment:

  1. I've never though of "Indian" as a language. AHA! ... What? >.<
