Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Hallyu Movement has Arrived!

South Korean Girl Group the Wonder Girls

Talent from Asia is finally getting noticed in America. The Hallyu wave has spread the influence of South Korean culture all the way to the Western World. One of the first signs was the appearance of a girl group from South Korea. The catchy tunes of the Wonder Girls caught the attention of their American audience with their single “Nobody.” Its popularity sparked interest in the girl group all the way in the United States, where they were the first Korean group to make it on the Billboard Hot 100. The success of the Wonder Girls is just one example of the Hallyu movement.

Poster for South Korean film "Mother"

                However, music is not the only thing South Korea is getting recognized for. Among Tom Charity’s choices for best movies of 2010, for CNN, many were surprised to see an unknown title. This was Bong Joon-ho’s “Mother.” It topped the box office in South Korea and earned recognition from American viewers. Its unconventional story of a mother desperately seeking to prove that her mentally challenged son is innocent of murder leaves viewers on the edge of their seats. It’s clear that the Hallyu movement does not only apply to Asia, but has instead found its way to the United States with new talent that cannot be ignored.

1 comment:

  1. I AGREEE!!! I started out with a love (South) Korean Dramas! :) I've watched sooo many of them, it's ridiculous! My favorite actors by far is Lee Min Ho and Jang Geun Suk, but then I've also moved on to singing groups! ... Don't have a favorite there yet, but I will! :D
